
Darkest Hour

06.07.2009, 14:18 — Laughing Magician 1416 0
Мне вдруг подумалось: что было бы, если бы Blackest Night происходил у Марвела? Правда называлось бы это скорее всего как-нибудь вроде Darkest Hour или ещё как, лишь бы потемнее. Ну, предположим Гартан Саал вернулся не просто так, а ещё и научился воскрешать мёртвых. Что нам это даёт? Dark Nova Corps! Соответственно так выглядели бы анонсы потенциальных тай-инов: Darkest Hour: X-men #1 (of 4) by Chris Yost and Mark Brooks Of course, when you're an X-man, rising from the grave for you is as common as changing your underwear (maybe even commoner), but hey, a whole graveyard at once is just a little too much. Even though most of the grown-up x-men have already succesfully come back from the dead, there are still a whole bunch of kids killed by William Stryker and just look who're taking care of them now: Banshee and Moira McTaggert. Can they teach dead kids some new tricks? You betcha! Looks like they're not gonna be the only dead x-men for too long. Darkest Hour: Captain America - Dead Dreams (one-shot) by Ed Brubaker and John Cassaday Steve Rogers may be alive, but deep down on the ocean floor there is still one skinny corps, who just happened to awaken! And guess who didn't like being killed by Winter Soldier? Jack Monroe is back with a vengeance, but will Bucky be able to commit one of his greatest sins once more? Because this time Jack doesn't only fight back, but he has the power of Dark Nova on his side. This just can't go without some consequences, does it? Darkest Hour: Starjammers and the Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (of 5) by Dan Abnett/Andy Lanning and Wellington Alves Lilandra hasn't been dead for a long time, so she doesn't need a lot of catching up with current events: what she wants is her throne, and maybe someone else's as well. Well, she won't have to reclaim it by herself - Imperial Guard has enough dead members! As if it wasn't bad already, Deathcry and Gabe Vargas join forces to destroy the one responsible for their demise: Star-Lord. Oh, and should we even say anything about Thanos? Probably not, it's just too mind-blowing. Darkest Hour: Spider-Man #1 (of 3) by Fred Van Lente and Chris Bachalo Have you ever tried to explain your dead girlfriend, who was kinda dead partly because of you, that you didn't mean to break her neck? Well, Peter Parker has, and it didn't go very well. Also, why doesn't uncle Ben seem as nice as he used to? Maybe because he has found out that his old wife has a new husband now? Or maybe being dead just makes you meaner? Maybe it's a bit of both, who can tell? Oh, wait, Kraven can! And now his daughter is going to learn it the hard way. Darkest Hour: GLI - Monkey Joe Slays! (one-shot) by Dan Slott and Paul Pelletier Are those really THREE DEAD GRASSHOPPERS? Oh, that's hardly going to cause any trouble to GLI! But wait, they are led by... Monkey Joe! Yep, now our heroes are doomed. And with Mr. Immortal reunited with his dead love Dinah Soar, can death do them part this time? And more so, should it? I mean, what are the odds for him to ever score a live human girl? And of cource there's Wolverine in this one (we begged, but they just wouldn't let us do it without him). Darkest Hour: Wolverine #1 (of 4) by Jason Aaron and Doug Braithwate We don't know how Sabretooth is gonna have a rematch with Logan if now he uses his only arm to hold his own head, but who wouldn't want to see that? It won't look so ridiculous, when Mariko Yashida enters the stage! That's right, bet you didn't see THAT coming! And wait, is Logan really teaming up with Lady Deathstrike? The world must have gone mad! And it probably has, with Lord Dark Wind rising from the grave! Ну и в таком ключе. У кого ещё есть идеи? Комменты к вашим услугам.
Bastion7, 06.07.2009 17:07:41
Росомаху взял бы в тпб. :) Да и капитанский сюжет занимателен.
В догонку идеи. Darkest Hour - Avengers. Мертвые Авенджеры возвращаются, и вот они-то как раз начнут оправдывать название своей команды. А для начала попробуют подержаться за горло всем командам, которые не тру Мстители.
Ван-шот Darkest Hour - Penance. Робби придется столкнуться со своим жутким кошмаром - шестью сотнями мертвецов из Стэмфорда с бывшими соратниками по Новым Войнам во главе.
Darkest Hour - Ms Marvel. Мисс Марвел будет иметь дело с полноценно вернувшимся из мертвых Капитаном Марвелом. И о Кэрол тоже можно не забыть.
Iron Man 2.0, 06.07.2009 18:07:49
Очень даже ничего идея. Мой вариант очевиден:
Darkest Hour: Iron Man #1 (of 3) by Matt Fraction and Adi Granov
Тони Старку придётся столкнуться со своими вернувшимися родителями. Но будут ли они рады видеть своего сына? Что предпримет Тони против Йинсена и его сына, собравших команду, состоящую из: Вонга Чу, Кнутa, Обадайи Стейна и Первого Красного Динамо? Успеет ли Джим Роудс спасти Тони Старка от армии живых мертвецов? И как связан с этим сумасшествием Ультрон?
plane_v, 06.07.2009 18:07:09
Darkest Hour: Marvel Zombies #1 (of 3) by Robert Kirkman (oh SNAP) and Sean Willams
Darkest Hour: Dead Girl #1 (of 4) by Peter Milligan and Michael Allred
G.ess, 06.07.2009 19:07:46
> Darkest Hour: GLI - Monkey Joe Slays! (one-shot) by Dan Slott and Paul Pelletier

Darkest Hour: Squirrel Girl - Night of the Living Squirrels by Dan Slott and Amanda Conner
Joe's BAAAAAAAACK!!!! >:3
QVall, 06.07.2009 19:07:15
Ещё много интересного